Wednesday 6 April 2011

Quest Hard Audio Blog – Shot from the hip



Quest Hard  'Shot from the hip'
The Quest Hard Audio Blog is a UK based discussion about MMO and PC gaming from an adult perspective. ever episode we procrastinate about games and chat about the things we did in them, after all gaming is about building story’s to tell.

This week we talk about Fish’s new found love of Dragon Age Origins. Why we have no show notes, DCUO. Blog Politics. Face book. Rift and why we never stuck with it and how we all love keyboard cat.

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FEEBACK WANTED. Come visit our website. Please.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Be Creative, put a fish in a light bulb


hexIt has been said may times through the ages that true genius can be measured by a fish in a light bulb. No, that’s not true. Creative urges are something i have had throughout my life and even though i am not an artist or performer these creative urges have manifested in the form of maybe decorating a room or (like now) writing a blog.

With the Joy that can be found within our video games, the sense of satisfaction from a new character level to a completed challenge in paradise city i wonder how many potentially world changing ideas are not being manifested because of the high quality entertainment that we have access to.

I know this sounds like a random and strange idea but while playing video games or even watching a really great movie any creative urges (for me its writing) are simply lulled into silence for the duration.

G_{\mu \nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu}= {8\pi G\over c^4} T_{\mu \nu}Imagine if Einstein had not had that free time to think up the theory of general relativity because he was pwning n00bs in Halo. Does the world benefit from the quality of entertainment available to it? Buy maybe Hitler would have chilled the hell out had he been able to play SimCity 3000.

The amount of my free time i spend being creative vs enjoying entertainment is something that i am very aware of. i some times listen to audio such as gaming podcasts or Red-Ice-Radio speakers while playing Lord of the Rings Online to offset education/creative thinking vs mindless play. but what being said i sometimes stop a session of writing because its making me over focussed and just play  Air Control HD for an hour.

altI Wonder how many things would have been accomplished if people where simply bored more and had more time to think. All this said there is the idea behind the sand mandala, the idea that sometimes just creative thought and play are the best things for your mind and soul. some times its okay to just play.

I urge you to think about how much time you spend tapping your creativity.